Contact Nixon’s Lawn & Garden Service

Almost 3 decades in the industry – Contact your lawn & garden care experts today!

We welcome your enquiries.  Feel free to enquire online via our contact form below, or you’re welcome to call the mobile 0418687167 or leave a message via our Office phone : 0249531312.

We welcome your sms / text messages to request quotes via 0418687167. Please ensure that sms messages include the property address, the service you are interested in, time / date you’d like service and your preferred contact number.

PHONE: 0418687167
OFFICE: 0249531312
HOURS: Mon-Sat 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM | Sun CLOSED
MAILING: P.O. Box 4044, Edgeworth, NSW 2285
ABN: 19243733036


(Optionally you can enter the address you'd like quoted. Providing the address can speed up the quoting process.)